Dear Entrepreneurs and Investors!
Distinguished Guests!
Ladies and Gentlemen!
Our meeting is being held within the 23rd anniversary of the state independence of our country and 20th anniversary of our Constitution.
Tajikistan also hosted the meeting of the Board of the Heads of Shanghai Cooperation Organization member countries, Business Forum of Entrepreneurs meetings and discussions of high level leadership of this Organization’s member countries this year. All of these events will promote development and strengthening of mutually beneficial economic cooperation and establishment of a conducive environment for investors.
Businesses and investors is the great driver of the country’s economy and constructive power for flourishment of our motherland and the main objective of today’s meeting is to exchange in opinion with a view to continuing and fostering reforms to improve investment climate and business environment.
Particularly, your initiatives and fruitful activities made us conduct tomorrow’s Economic and Investment Forum under the slogan of “Entrepreneurship – economy engine”.
Distinguished Business Representatives!
As you are aware, our previous discussion was held on the 15th of January 2010, within which we identified the areas for strengthening public-private partnership as well as the ways of investment climate and business environment improvement via reforms.
In this period, the country’s Government has undertaken a number of specific measures to address existing issues and will follow up the achievment of objectives set forth.
In fact, private sector development, particularly, improvement of the investment climate and business environment is a priority area n the economic policy of the country’s Government and many measures have been undertaken in this regard.
The Republic of Tajikistan became a full member of the World Trade Organization and deposited the United Nations Convention, i.e. the New York Convention on Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards.
To continue the foreseen reforms, we have adopted new laws and several sectorial strategies and programs and improved a number of legal and regulatory documents.
With a view to establishing a platform of free dialogue between the public and private sectors and thereby running necessary reforms to improve the investment climate and business environment, a high level Consultative Council on improvement of investment climate and business environment is established, the membership of which includes representative from public offices, local and foreign private sector and development partners.
Program for state support of business for 2012-2020 on state protection and support of business is one of the important documents, which is being implemented with a view to ensuring conducive environment for operation of businesses as one of the important factors for addressing social and economic issues in the country.
In 2012-2014 the first phase of this program will be completed.
In this period, we managed to improve our legal framework on business and ensure innovations in production and technological processes, encourage local and foreign investments and enhance public-private partnership.
In 2015, the second phase of the program will start, within which, it is expected to pass a number of new legal and regulatory documents.
In this regard, the State Committee for investment and state property management is to improve the draft plan of activities on implementation of the program’s second phase jointly with relevant ministries and agencies by taking into account the proposals outlined in today’s meeting and to submit it to the Government of Tajikistan.
With a view to simplifying business registration procedures, we introduced “Single Window” for establishing business, which made it possible to reduce the registration process from 49 to 5 days.
Permit system reform and reduction of the number of permits gave a strong impetus to business development in all sectors of the economy and we introduced Unified State Electronic Register of permit documents.
It is reasonable for the permit issuing agency to undertake necessary measures to ensure electronic submission of documents for permits, and there is no doubt that this initiative will promote development of business and investment and reduction of corruption factors.
Therefore, it is necessary to ensure the continuation of reforms and to improve the permit issuance system by taking into account the international experience.
With a view to really supporting businesses by providing concessional money, last year State Enterprise of “Business Support Fund” was established and TJS63m was allocated for this Fund from the public budget.
It is foreseen to allocated up to 130m Tajik somoni in 2015 and up to one billion Tajik somoni in the next seven years.
Up to present, the Fund provided 48m Tajik somoni of loan to 56 bussineses, which is still low.
Overall, during the last five years more than 720m Tajik somoni of grants and soft loans was allocated from the public budget for small and medium businesses.
In addition, during 2010-2014, banks and other financial institutions of the country issued loans amounting 34bln Tajik somoni for the economy, 27bln Tajik somoni or 78% of which is given to the private sector.
I would like to emphasize that disregard of activities implemented in simplification of taxation system up to present, we shall continue the reforms in this area.
In accordance with the new Tax Code the number of tax reports and the overall number of tax fees is reduced down to 86% and 43% accordingly.
In addition to this, given further support of the production businesses within the implementation of the President’s instructions outlined in his Address to the Parliament this year, relevant authorities have been discussing and undertaking measures with regard to the replacement of cotton fiber sale tax with the export duty.
I would like to remind that these benefits should be given to enterprises, which promote strengthening export potential of the country, increasing value added and the most importantly, creation of new jobs via full processing of cotton fiber.
Also, given the requirements of the Tax Code and with a view to ensuring modern services to taxpayers based on the experience of other countries, the tax authorities introduced new “Unified State Standards of Services to Taxpayers”.
Now, as a result of improvement of the tax administration system businesses can submit electronic declarations to the tax authorities, which can save their time and resources.
Currently, more than 7700 taxpayers use the electronic declaration system and certificate and relevant equipment is provided for free with a view to encouraging wider use of the system by taxpayers.
Simplification of customs procedures during the export, import and transit of goods and transport means is an integral part of economic reforms.
The Customs Code of Tajikistan is improved with a view to simplifying customs procedures and encouraging investment and bringing customs procedures in line with international standards and principles.
Introduction of the systems of “One-stop Shop” and “Single Window”for export, import and transit transactions for supervision of vehicles and goods in border posts with the application of new technologies and also electronic system of customs declaration eases the work of businesses and promotes eliminating corruption factors during the customs clearance of goods and transport means.
Dear Friends!
Disregard the negative trends in the global economy over the recent years and their impact on our country’s economy, macroeconomic indicators have been improving and sustainable economic development has been ensured.
In 2013, the GDP growth accounted for 7.4% and the public’s monetary income and monthly salary of an employee increased by 16.5% and 20% respectively.
Bank savings of individual entities over the last five years increased to more than 3.2 times and reached four billion Tajik somoni in 2013.
This is also another important source of financing for further development of various social and economic sectors.
Achieving macroeconomic stability made it possible to reduce the poverty rate from 45% to 35% in 2010-2013.
It is foreseen to reduce this indicator to 30% in 2015.
Total number of new and restored jobs during the last five years accounted for more than 870 000, and 185 000 in 2013 only, which promoted the improvement of the labor market situation and people’s living standards.
This year, 250 000 new jobs will be created in all sectors of the national economy.
For this purpose, it is foreseen to construct and launch 150 new production enterprises in the industry sector.
Foreign investment amounting 3.1bln U.S. dollars was encouraged to the country’s economy over 2010-2014, 1.3bln of which is foreign direct investment.
The encouraged investment is mostly channeled to the sectors of energy, communication, construction, financial services, geological studies and extraction of minerals, transport, services, agriculture and important social sectors.
Distinguished Participants!
The private sector, with the use of existing opportunities, has been significantly contributing in the country’s economic development and improvement of people’s living standards.
The number of business in the country increased from 146,000 in 2010 to 232,000 in 2014, which makes 59% of increase.
The private sector’s contribution in establishment of the GDP has been increasing gradually and it accounted for 64% in 2013.
Last year, the country’s GDP accounted for 40.5bln Tajik somoni, 26bln Tajik somoni of which comes to the private sector.
The private sector’s share in the paid equity capital of banks in 2013 made 97%, 34% of which belongs to the foreign private sector.
As for the overall amount of savings, the sector’s share makes 88%.
Last year, 85% of indirect taxes within the GDP (amounting 4.4bln Tajik somoni) was paid by the private sector, including 3.5bln Tajik somoni of VAT, 276m Tajik somoni of excise duties, 106m Tajik somoni of sale taxes and 445m Tajik somoni of customs duties.
During the last seven years more than 1600 new industrial workshops and enterprises, including industries on processing of metal and other types of industrial raw materials, cotton fiber, production of construction materials and processing of fruits and vegetables were constructed and it is necessary to accelerate this process.
Only last year, local businesses constructed and launched 332 new production workshops and enterprises.
Therefore, I would like to express my gratitude to you all, dear entrepreneurs and investors, as well as our fellow countrymen overseas for your significant contribution in the economic development of our independent country, for your efforts in improvement and flourishment of our country and overall, for high sense of responsibility and patriotism.
We appreciate your good ideas and intentions for mutual cooperation and dialogue with the public sector for the development of our motherland as well as your valuable contribution in the development of our economy and we believe these ideas and efforts of yours will bring more benefit in the future.
Dear business representatives, we really appreciate your every charity effort and patriotic and dedicated initiatives, particularly in establishment of new schools and additional classrooms, renovation and repair of educational facilities, health centres and medical points, establishment and repair of roads and bridges, also your help to orphans and persons with disabilities, poor families and arrangement of collective marriage parties.
On my behalf personally and on behalf of the Government of Tajikistan, I would like to thank each of you for your charity and dedicated efforts.
Distinguished Business Representatives and Investors!
Despite the significant achievements in the process of reforms on improvement of investment climate and business environment, we still have challenges and it is important to continue the reforms in this area.
In accordance with the existing legislation on the “Single Window”, applicants apply to the Tax Committeefor state registration and after completing relevant procedures obtain registration certificate, but the Social Insurance Agency has not been integrated into this system yet, which leads to failure of respect of the filing system and the registration timeframe.
Therefore, the Social Insurance and Pension Agency is asked in cooperation with the Tax Committee and the Statistics Agency to be integrated into the “Single Window” system for state registration of legal and individual entities according to the existing procedures.
The Tax Committee also needs to ensure full implementation of the “Single Window” system for state registration of legal and individual entities according to the legislation requirements and to submit information to the Consultative Council on improvement of investment climate under the Office of the President of Tajikistan.
The process of business termination according to the legislation is very simple, particularly if the entrepreneur operates with permit or certificate or does not have arrears.
However, this procedure has been complicated due to the fact that the relevant authorities do not review applications in a timely manner.
Therefore, the State Committee for Investment and State Property Management, Tax Committee and other relevant agencies are instructed to study this issue thoroughly and make specific proposals on improvement of the legislation on registration and termination of business.
Also, failure in respect of the Tax Code provisions is still observed in tax administration.
The tax authorities have complicated the procedures of taxation of businesses via development and adoption of intra-agency documents.
The tax authorities requirement on reception of tax report, advance tax payment and return of VAT are the issues creating challenges in business operation.
With this regard, the Ministry of Finance jointly with relevant ministries and agencies has to undertake necessary measures to more simplify and improve the Tax Code implementation and overcome the existing shortcomings by taking into account the support of business and competitiveness of local products and to submit report to the Government on its accomplishments.
Alongside with this, the tax authorities have to undertake specific measures to expand taxation sources and to ensure taxation of the business operating without state registration.
The taxation system should be ensured in a way so it can promote further economic development alongside with tax collection.
The education sector is one of the priority sectors of the national economy and the country’s future development depends on it.
We need to pay a serious attention to the development of business in this very important sector via establishment of private schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, kindergartens and other supplementary education institutions.
Therefore, I would like to propose to undertake measures to identify reduced norms of VAT for educational institutions with a view to encouraging the private sector for the development of the education sector and enhancing intellectual capital.
Dear Participants!
Effectiveness of business inspections is one of the topical issues. As a result of inspection of businesses, the tax authorities staff reveal many shortcomings related to incomplete payment of taxes.
For instance, during eight months of 2014 they revealed underestimation or evasion of taxes amounting more than 350m Tajik somoni in the operation of businesses.They have undertaken administrative measures against those businesses and restored the damage caused to the public budget to the extent possible.
Despite the business enabling environment established by the support of the Government of Tajikistan over the last years, unfortunately, there are still some businesses operating without state registration or even if they are registered, they do not implement their obligations in terms of tax payment and do not submit their declarations within identified timeframe.
Thus, more than 3800 cases of operation of individual businesses without registration with the tax authorities were revealedonly during the first semester of the current year.
Alongside with this, control operations show that some businesses do not pay taxes by establishing “fake” companies or using other ways.
This year, 37 cases were revealed, when some individuals imported goods amounting 1.5bln Tajik somoni through such fake companies and by not showing these transactions in their accounting reports, evaded taxes amounting more than 52m Tajik somoni.
Existence of similar cases require the businesses to respect the existing legislation.
On the other hand, the purpose of inspections and the task of tax authorities is not only to reveal shortcomings of businesses, but also to prevent law violation.
Therefore, the Ministry of Finance and the Tax Committee have to study the real reasons of tax evasion by businesses and to provide specific conclusions on addressing this issue to the Government.
I also think it is necessary for the tax authorities to review the provisions on tax penalty application on the basis of this situation.
With a view to supporting poor segment of population and establishing new jobs, I think it is reasonable to improve the procedures of taxation of individual businesses operating with permit.
I would like to ask to study the issue and to take off the permit fee for the individuals engaged in low-income activities from the list of permit based business activities.
If we simplify all procedures of tax administration and establish a comprehensive and easy system for businesses, I believe, all businesses prefer to respect the legislation requirements in their activities. I believe, the simpler the tax administration system for businesses, the more the number of taxpayers increases, as a result of which the public budget will increase and the society will make significant achievements.
In this regard, it is necessary for the public and private sector to feel the same level of responsibility in ensuring effectiveness of taxation system and fulfil their obligations according to the acting legislation.
Public services regulation is another issue for improvement of investment climate and business environment.
Currently, 156 state unitary enterprises operate in the country, a part of which implement regulatory activities. This situation creates barriers in operation of private business companies and hinders free competitiveness effectiveness.
For instance, 16 insurance companies, including two public and 14 private companies provide services to population. It should be outlined that 97% of signed insurance contracts and 51% of collected insurance fees come to two public insurance companies, which shows high level of centralization of the insurance market and inadequate competitiveness.
Therefore, the Ministries of economic development and trade, finance and other relevant agencies are instructed to ensure implementation of compulsory insurance by private insurance companies, except the public compulsory insurance services and to undertake necessary measures to expand the activities of the companies providing compulsory insurance services.
Rendering compulsory insurance services by the private insurance companies would promote competitiveness development in the insurance market, emergence of new insurance services, improvement of their quality and effectiveness of the companies’ activities.
With this regard, it is necessary to study the activities of state unitary enterprises and to ensure policy on their gradual reduction.
At this point, we need to pay an utmost attention to termination of regulatory competences of state unitary enterprises, their rights to request report from other private enterprises in the sector and simplification of the rules of access to services of state unitary enterprises.
Distinguished Participants!
Ensuring access to loan products is an important aspect of the reform of investment climate and business environment improvement.
With a view to enabling environment for collateral to banks and microfinance institutions favorable conditions are established and the country’s legislation is improved to expand access of the private sector to loan products of the banking system and eliminate discrepancy between the legislative documents on collateral and bankruptcy.
Also, with a view to ensuring conducive environment for loan issuance, the first Credit and Information Bureau is established in the country.
As a result of measures undertaken, loans issued to businesses increased significantly. Despite of this, the interest rate of the loans is still high and their maturity is very short and the issue of loan issuance remains to be difficult.
Therefore, it is necessary for the National Bank to undertake practical measures to involve world’s reputable rating companies to obtain country’s sovereign credit rating and thereby to decrease the interest rate of loans to be issued.
The factors negatively affecting the activities of businesses include high interest rates of bank loans, short maturity of loans, lack of special loan products for development of different sectors in the rural area particularly, harsh requirement for the use of property as collateral, insufficient use of financial leasing and Islamic banking system.
The National Bank of Tajikistan, jointly with relevant authorities, needs to develop modern and innovative types of loan products by taking into account the enhancement of major aspects of the existing loan products, expansion of microleasing and widely introduction of the Islamic banking system. Also, with a view to supporting the production sectors, the Bank is to thoroughly analyze the market based long term financing with affordable conditions and to submit its conclusions to the Government.
Another issue for development of the banking system is expansion of non-cash transactions, because this method, alongside with ensuring transparency, will also strengthenthe system of smooth development and sustainable operation of economic entities.
Therefore, the National Bank is instructed to undertake necessary measures to ensure wider use of noncash transaction by businesses.
Dear Friends!
Ensuring accurate statistic reporting is one of the burning issues in terms of improvement of the investment climate and business environment.
Currently, statistic reports do not reflect the reality in majority of cases. Business and other entities make omissions while submitting statistic reports.
Statistic data on the production of goods or services is overstated or understated given personal or office interests to evade taxation of goods production, overstate the implementation of production plan and other reasons, which aggravates planning of production of goods and their import and export.
Also, statistics of the foreign investment, including foreign direct investment into the private sector and other sectors of the economy desires to be improved.
Therefore, the Statistics Agency jointly with other ministries and agencies and local government authorities in provinces, districts and towns, has to study the issue of introduction of modern methods of running statistics on the share of the private sector in the economy’s sectors, tax and other payments revenue, foreign investment, including foreign direct investment and other sectors of the economy and submit specific proposals to the Government.
Simplification of the business inspection process and introduction of the international best practices in this area is an important issue for further development of business.
Another issue of concern of business is ignoring by one agency the results of inspection conducted by another one and conducting re-inspections.
Therefore, the inspection agencies are to undertake measures to ensure recognition of inspections of one agency by other agencies at the district, city, province and national level and avoid re-inspections.
The process of improvement of legislation on inspection of businesses, which also includes moratorium announcement, is not sufficient.
The analyses show that, still some officials of inspection agencies do not approach the objective of inspections seriously and thoroughly.
In presence of the business and investors community I would like to remind that the objective of inspections is to reduce risk for health of citizens, environment, public security and property safety by ensuring respect of legislation by businesses in their activities.
Inspection agencies should not value bringing to justice as indicator of their activities, but also should be responsible for increase of law violation cases.
With this regard, the Government of Tajikistan is to define 1st of January 2016 as the day of effectiveness of the inspection legislation and to adopt relevant documents in 2015 to ensure desired outcome of the inspection reform implementation.
Distinguished Business Representatives and Investors!
With a view to ensuring conducive investment climate and supporting business in terms of state registration of immovable property and the rights to it we established State Unitary Enterprise of “Registration of Immovable Property” and the Enterprise is given a task to simplify the procedure of immovable property registration and to establish “Single Window” in this area.
Currently, technical passport, land use right certificate, registration certificate and other documents are submitted for the registration of immovable property and within the new system four individual procedures will be merged into one.
Therefore, the State Committee for Investment and State Property Management, State Committee for Land Management and Geodesy are to undertake specific measures to ensure introduction of the “Single Window” system for the registration of immovable property as soon as possible and in a proper way and to submit information to the Government about their results.
Alongside with this, enhancing competitiveness of local products and increasing their export one of the ultimate goals of the country’s Government.
In 2013, the country’s foreign trade turnover accounted for 62% of GDP, 14% of which comes to export and 48% to import.
Thus, import exceeds export for 3.4 times and has an increasing trend. This indicator alongside with other factors depends on the competitiveness of local products.
Bringing the price and quality of local products in line with international requirements, which is a requirement for accession to the World Trade Organization, is the core to improve competitiveness of local products and their marketing to global markets and this significantly depends on both the public offices and private sector.
Therefore, with a view to enhancing competitiveness of local products and services, effectiveness of the capacity of local enterprises introducing product quality control system in production companies in accordance with the international norms, and alongside with this, overcoming technical barriers, relevant agencies are to develop and approve the procedure of recognition of compliance assessment documents of products produced overseas, and to undertake regular measures to introduce international standards of quality control in local enterprises.
At the same time, with a view to enhancing competitiveness of the local products and increasing export capacity of the country, the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, State Committee for Investment and State Property Management, in cooperation with the private sector have to undertake consistent measures to establish conducive environment for local producers and exporters, first and foremost for the private sector, including establishment and rehabilitation of logistics infrastructure, highways and bridges, strengthening cooperation with the private sector and reliable foreign trade partners and encouraging final product exporters.
Up to present, Tajikistan has ratified a number of international documents, which makes it possible to ensure smooth development of the country’s economy.
In this process, while using these opportunities, it is important to pay a serious attention to encouraging the local producers to prevent country’s dependence on imported goods and products.
Effective operation of the private sector is one of the important signs of the competitiveness in the economy.
It should be outlined that though the private sector’s share in the agriculture accounts for 93%, this indicator in the industry and construction sectors makes 53% and 43% accordingly.
However, the share of the industry and construction in the GDP accounts for 13% and 10% respectively, which is not sufficient for implementation of the identified priorities.
This showsthat the share of processing industry in the GDP is low, though there are huge opportunities and resources in the country to increase them and it is possible to achieve this via the private sector.
With a view to improving the investment climate in the industry sector and increasing the country’s export capacity, the period of 2014-2020 is declared the period of support of production business and development of local raw material processing industry.
Once again I would like to emphasize that our objective from these initiatives is to further encourage investments, establish production industries by importing the latest technologies, increase production of export products, ensure economic development of the country and create more jobs.
With this regard, giving impetus to the development of industry sectors by undertaking additional measures and involving the private sector is one of our most important tasks.
The experience of the recent years and analyses show that it is necessary to strengthen competitiveness of the private sector particularly in the processing industry and construction.
In this regard, the Government of Tajikistan and heads of all district and town are to undertake necessary measures to significantly increase the share of the processing sectors in the GDP, ensure conducive environment for the private sector’s operation, including in the sectors of processing and construction, improvement of the investment climate for the local businesses and their foreign partners, support of initiatives of businesses at the central and local administration levels and to submit detailed information to the Government.
Dear Participants!
Once again I would like to emphasize that necessary legislative framework for encouragement of investments and protection of investorsis in place in the country.
However, the existing legislation needs to be reviewed in order tofurther improve the investment climate in the country.
In this regard, I think it is important to develop new Law of the Republic of Tajikistan “On Investments” and based on that, to include amendment to the existing legislation to bring it in line with the international standards and commitments of the Republic of Tajikistan.
Improvement of investment climate and business environment is also relevant to the activities of local government authorities, because investors and businesses particularly approach them with their projects.
At present, regional councils on improvement of investment climate are established within the Offices of the Governor of Badakhshon Mountainous Autonomous Province, Soughd and Khatlon provinces, Farkhor district, towns of Kulob, Istaravshan, Isfara, Panjakent and districts of Rasht valley.
The major objective of this initiative is to establish conducive environment for the business and encourage more investments into the economy of districts and towns, which at the same time will be aimed at improving population’s living standards, increasing local and national budgets and strengthening public and private partnership.
Public-private partnership mechanism is used in different sectors of the economy, including power generation, municial services, water supply and irrigation, waste management, healthcare and education, transport, construction and use of automobile roads, railway, tunnels, undergrounds and their infrastructure, use of minerals and other vitally important sectors.
Private sector’s participation provides an opportunity in development of these sectors for the establishment of constructive cooperation between the public and private sectors, enhancement of effecient use of public property, strengthening investment and innovation capacity and eventually, gives an impetus to foster the country’s economic potential.
I believe that with the use of the legal and economic system of public and private partnership we can promote development of different sectors, including industry, agriculture, finance, construction, transport, communications, tourism, job creation and improvement of the public welfare via implementation of joint projects.
Therefore, the State Committee for Investment and State Property Management, Ministry of Economic Development and Trade and other relevant agencies, jointly with the private sector, are to foster public and private partnership and implement more projects in this area.
Dear Entrepreneurs and Investors!
The Government of Tajikistan, on its side, uses all possible opportunities to address the issues raised today in a timely and proper manner.
However, addressing majority of the above-mentioned issues depends not only on public offices, but also on you, dear entreprenuers and investors as well as the whole nation.
Therefore, representatives of the private sector and investors also should use every opportunity possible and stregthen cooperation with governmental agencies.
Collective efforts of public and private sector and investors is the key to achievement of our priority objectives.
We can jointly resist all economic and social challenges and implement large-scale projects.
We always need to bear in mind one issue that state independence, national accord and peaceful life are our unique achievement and welfare.
All other types of welfare and good constructiv wishes and plans can be achieved towards our single objective, i.e. establishment of a new industrrially developed country.
I believe that we will ensure all other conveniences through getting united for our single objective, i.e. establishment of a powerful and developed country and will be able to implement our good intentions and plans.
We need to be proud of the fact that Tajikistan as a homeland of hope and dreams of the world tajiks is being established in witness of everybody of us and thanks to the dedicated efforts of the noble people of Tajikistan, including you, honoured entrepreneurs.
I am sure that national accord, constructive power of citizens, unity over our single goal will promote achievement of the objectives we set forth.
Great Tajik nation are civilized, wise, talented and gifted, who is capable of making unique achievements.
We value partnership and friendship and stand ready for cooperation and joint efforts.
I believe that everybody of you, generous, patriot, energetic and honored businesses and investors, will further conitnue making patriotic efforts to stregthen economic potential of independent Tajikistan, flourishment of our motherland, welfare of every family in our country and improvement of reputation of our motherland.
I would like to especially address our fellow countrymen living overseas and their business communities, whose representatives are participating in this meeting, and once again sincerely appreciate their significant contribution in the process of development and flourishment of their origin country, establishment of production enterprises and workshops, increasing production scope, employing unemployed people, overall, in strengthening economic potential of the newly independent state of Tajiks and improving living standards of the noble people of Tajikistan.
We never forget your patriotic contribution and wish everybody of you good health, happiness, welfare and good luck.
With these good wishes i would like to wish you all good luck and success and peace and stability, happiness and welfare to every family in our Tajikistan.
At the conclusion, to commemorate your efforts for the flourishment of our Motherland and also as a symbol of support of your dedicated and generous activities, I would like to propose to declare 14th of October as the Entrepreneurs Day.